Running the Seedstars django-react-redux-base boilerplate project on Heroku

Edit 02/04/19: This is outdated and I would not advise using it anymore. We now have create-react-app too. Also, I rushed to using redux during this period. I would argue against using redux (or any similar store solution) unless you have good reasons to use it. I’ve recently come up with an alternative that might be more helpful.

One of the biggest pains with doing modern full stack web development is in the configuration of the toolchain. Luckily, the folks at Seedstars have put together a fantastic boilerplate project, based on Django & React + Redux, that does all of that for you.

Here are the adjustments needed to get that boilerplate project deployed on Heroku. Because Seedstars constantly improves their project, these instructions are guaranteed to work at the time of this writing on release b41971f. I’m assuming you’ve already created a Heroku instance and that you’re using Postgres.


  1. We’ll use gunicorn on Heroku. Add a Procfile to your root directory with the following contents:
    web: gunicorn --pythonpath src djangoreactredux.wsgi

  2. Tell Heroku which python runtime to use. Add a runtime.txt to your root directory with the following contents:

  3. In package.json, in the scripts section, add a postinstall entry. This runs after a yarn (which runs a npm install) and has webpack generate the static JavaScript files you will serve:
    "scripts": {
      "dev": "....",
      "prod": "...",
      "postinstall": "yarn run prod"

  4. Tell Heroku details about node and npm. In package.json, in the root node, add an engines entry:
    "engines": {
      "node": "6.2.2",
      "npm": "3.9.3"

  5. For some reason, a hardcoded non HTTPS prefix is used for every request to the backend. This won’t work on Heroku which by default serves on HTTPS. In ./src/static/utils/config.js, clear the SERVER_URL variable:
    export const SERVER_URL = '';

  6. Heroku expects a requirements.txt in the root whereas the Seedstars folks store in a directory. Create a requirements.txt in your root that refers to the files in the directory:
    -r ./py-requirements/prod.txt

  7. We’ll use dj_database_url to help Django get the database string from Heroku. In ./py-requirements/prod.txt, add:

  8. In src/djangoreactredux/settings/, add the following. Make sure to remove the exisiting DATABASES variable:
    import dj_database_url
    DATABASES = {}
    DATABASES['default'] = dj_database_url.config()

  9. By default, Heroku skips installing everything in devDependencies in our package.json. To change that, run:
    heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false

  10. Check out ./src/djangoreactredux/ There’s a line in there that says if we don’t specify an environment variable, Django will load the dev settings file. To correct that, run:
    heroku config:set

  11. Set our buildpacks so that Heroku knows what kind of application we’re pushing to it:
    heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs
    heroku buildpacks:add --index 2 heroku/python

  12. We’re ready to push our code! This should go without a hitch:
    git push heroku master

  13. Run the migrations and load the initial data from the fixtures and then open our project!
    heroku run python src/ migrate
    heroku run python src/ loaddata src/fixtures.json
    heroku open
Written on August 19, 2017